Serving Davenport, IA and the Surrounding Areas

(563) 677-6664

Serving Davenport, IA and the Surrounding Areas

(563) 677-6664


Residential Painting

Upgrade your home into a masterpiece with Highly Recommended Painting. Specializing in residential painting, we provide tailored solutions to elevate your living spaces with creativity and passion. From accent walls to complete home transformations, our efficient process and fair pricing ensure you receive exceptional results without breaking the bank. Preparation is key to a flawless finish. That’s why we focus on detailed surface prep, including cleaning, sanding, and priming. This ensures better paint adhesion and a smooth, polished result that lasts.

As a painting contractor, we guide you through every step, including choosing colors that complement your home’s architecture and surroundings. These thoughtful decisions can make a world of difference in transforming your space into a cohesive and inviting environment. Our expertise doesn’t stop at painting. We also offer comprehensive drywall repair and drywall installation services to provide the perfect canvas for paint application. When considering timing, climate plays a critical role, particularly for exterior projects. Avoid extreme heat or humidity to ensure proper drying and a lasting finish. These details set us apart as an experienced painter dedicated to quality and longevity. Inquire today!